Wedding Flowers
Wedding Styling


Meet Katie

After completing my education, I pursued a career in radiography without having unearthed my true passion for floristry, particularly in the realm of wedding floristry. It wasn’t long before I realised that my heart belonged to the enchanting world of flowers.

Despite my initial career choice, creativity has always been a part of who I am, and I’ve always been drawn to flowers. There’s a captivating beauty in how something crafted by nature can be elevated through design and shared as a heartfelt gift to bring joy to someone’s face.

After taking some courses and attending some workshops, I fell hook line and sinker for all things floral. This prompted me to return to college to obtain an official floristry qualification, and the idea for Darling Buds of KJ was born!

My dedication to connecting people with petals, particularly through designing their wedding flowers, goes beyond a mere job—it’s a heartfelt passion. Contributing to such a special moment is a profound privilege, and the joy these blooms bring is genuinely rewarding. Here’s to embracing the path meant for you, even if it may not be the most well-trodden or obvious.

That all important click…

When planning your wedding or event, you’re building a creative team. I really believe it’s important that you feel a click with the person you’ll be working with, not just what they can offer you.  So, let’s find out if we’re a good fit with a few fun facts.


My dog Tilly is a permanent fixture in the studio. She’s an expert at getting treats out of me and I love her to bits!


I’m a mix of the town and the country. I love fresh air and open spaces, and could spend hours walking in the fields and the woodland. But I’m also a massive fan of putting on something with a bit of sparkle, and heading out into the buzz of the town for a cocktail or two.


I have an adventurous palate, always eager to explore new cuisines. Among them, the vibrant and fresh flavors of Mexican cuisine stand out as my absolute favorite. The enticing combination of lime, spice, salt, and heat? Absolutely, count me in!


Family means the world to me and I’m very close with mine, especially my mum who really is one of my best friends. 


Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Flickering candles, the scent of pine, cold crisp mornings and the feeling of the world slowing down and reflecting – it’s magic, every year!  

If you’ve found yourself smiling or nodding along with any of these, then I think we’ll get on like a house on fire.

Send me a message, and let’s have a chat about how we can work together on something floral and fabulous. 

Katie x